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Hebrew Heritage House (Johnson House)

Photo by Kevin Reeves Built in 1885, Johnson house is the second oldest residence hall on campus and the only one designated solely for Jewish students. A three-story mansion housing approximately 30 students, Johnson is located on the southern outskirts of the college's boundaries. The house contains a fully equipped kitchen, Joseph Elias Memorial Library containing program related materials, and lounges.

Image of Hebrew Heritage House (Johnson House)
Hebrew Heritage House (Johnson House) View map

216 South Professor Street, Oberlin, OH 44074

Photo by Kevin Reeves

Built in 1885, Johnson house is the second oldest residence hall on campus and the only one designated solely for Jewish students. A three-story mansion housing approximately 30 students, Johnson is located on the southern outskirts of the college's boundaries. The house contains a fully equipped kitchen, Joseph Elias Memorial Library containing program related materials, and lounges.

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