About this Event
The current political climate is challenging on a national and personal scale. Many of us have spent considerable energy concerned about the 2020 election outcome for good reasons. YBCD invites Oberlin College students to spend time in informal dialogue.
This virtual space provides a time to look beyond the election. We’ll contemplate together: What matters to us? How can we understand one another? Are we open to taking active steps to work together across differences? How can we mine this period of internal and social conflict to fuel meaningful change?
YBCD student facilitators will support their peers by providing space to hear one another for the sake of understanding rather than persuasion.
Join us on Zoom: https://oberlin.zoom.us/j/88174626394?pwd=NFVSSkt0akJ5VVBoVE9taFFLdUw5UT09
Sponsored by YBCD in collaboration with OC Votes.
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