Kaleidosonic Music Festival: Oberlin Celebrates 50 Years of Electronic & Computer Music
Saturday, November 16, 2019 7:30pm to 11:30pm
About this Event
90 North Professor Street, Oberlin, OH 44074
Watch the webcast – streamed live at concert time.
The Kaleidosonic Music Festival is a free event. It will start at 7:30 pm in Finney Chapel and run continuously for approximately 4 hours.
The festival will be an exciting evening-length event with musicians representing a wide array of styles: Gospel, classical, rock and roll, jazz, early music, marching band, serious, funny, and avant-garde!
Nearly 500 musicians will perform in a single extended musical collage: Imagine a brass fanfare alongside taiko drumming, and then organ alongside bagpipes, and 20 speakers surrounding the audience for a fully immersive sonic experience!
We have also launched a crowdfunding campaign to endow a new TIMARA Founders Fund in honor of the department's earliest proponents, Olly Wilson and Joh n Clough ' 53.
Donate online: bit.ly/TIMARAFounders
When Will Musicians Appear?
Here is an approximate timeline:
7:30 pm: Oberlin Brass Ensemble
7:35 pm: Oberlin College Taiko
7:40 pm: Kieran Minor - Welcome!
7:45 pm: Oberlin Arts and Sciences Orchestra
7:50 pm: Northern Ohio Youth Orchestra Lab Group with Rachel Gibson*
7:55 pm: Arlene & Larry Dunn with Kirk Pearson*
8:00 pm: Oberlin Choristers Una Voce Musica
8:05 pm: Oberlin Choristers Cantate Musica with Abby Aresty
8:10 pm: Jonathan William Moyer with Oli Bentley* & Kayla Reagan
8:15 pm: NOYO Lab Group with R. Gibson
8:20 pm: Collegium Musicum Oberliniense with Helen He
8:25 pm: Arlene & Larry Dunn and the NOYO Lab Group with Pearson & Gibson
8:30 pm: Zeb Page with Piper Hill
8:35 pm: Oberlin High School Marching Show Band
8:45 pm: NOYO Lab Group with Gibson
8:50 pm: Gamelan Kyai Barleyan with Eli Stine
9:00 pm: OSteel with Maggie Bantner
9:20 pm: obo
9:25 pm: Obertones with Max Addae
9:30 pm: Oberlin College Marching Band with Cait Boblitt
9:33 pm: Oberlin Improvisation and New Music Collective with Aurie Hsu
9:35 pm: Arlene & Larry Dunn with Pearson
9:40 pm: Oberlin Acapelicans
9:45 pm : Arlene & Larry Dunn and OINC with Hsu & Pearson
9:50 pm: Oberlin College Choir with Claudia Hinsdale
10:00 pm: Beethoven String Quartet
10:05 pm: Steven Kemper
10:15 pm: Liam Kaplan with Jack Hamill
10:20 pm: Kyle Hartzell with Stine
10:25 pm: Jonathan William Moyer
10:30 pm: Peter Swendsen, fixed media
10:35 pm: Oberlin Viola da Gamba Consort with Hsu
10:40 pm: Oberlin Contra Dance Band
10:45 pm: Oberlin Sonny Rollins Jazz Ensemble
10:55 pm: Oberlin College Black Musicians Guild with Addae
11:10 pm: Victoria Theodore, voice and piano
11:20 pm: Peter Flint, accordion
11:25 pm: Grupo Oberlinho with Flint
11:35 pm: Henry Nelson Ensemble with Drew Smith
11:45 pm: OINC with Hsu
11:50 pm: Aaron Dilloway
12:00 am: fini - tutti
For more detailed information, please visit the TIMARA website.
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