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67 North Main Street, Oberlin, Ohio 44074

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Sideways Stories from Wayside School centers on a 4th-grade classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School, which the architect “was supposed to build … with thirty classrooms all on one level but he accidentally put them on top of each other” (“He said he was sorry.”). When the students defeat their evil teacher by turning her into an apple, the introduction of a new teacher, Miss Jewls, begins a whole new chapter of life at Wayside School. Based on the children’s book by Louis Sachar, Sideways Stories from Wayside School is full of wacky characters (such as Sammy, a dead rat who disguises himself as a student to sneak into the classroom, and Mrs. Zarves, the teacher on the nineteenth floor who does not exist) and even wackier stories.

Directed by Maggie Elsen '23; Management by Caris Gross '23.

Adaptation by John Olive.

This production is presented with audience members under the age of 12 in mind, though all are welcome. Following matinee performances, cast and crew members will facilitate a short talkback on the themes of the show and the importance of theatre education. They will then lead a workshop for young artists engaging with principles of improvisation and comedy performance, performing scenes from the play alongside the actors.

The talkback is open to all, but the workshop is recommended for children ages 8-11. Registration is required for the workshop, and spots are limited. Register at this link: https://forms.gle/fQCAbX2VGKJagwyg8There is no additional fee for participation in the post-show workshop outside of purchasing a ticket to the performance itself.

Performances on February 25-26 are reserved for children and adults attending with children from the Oberlin community. If you are an Oberlin student, faculty/staff, or member of the general public without children under the age of 12, we request that you attend a different performance so that we can ensure availability for our primary audience. Families who need financial assistance for tickets should email cts@oberlin.edu or call the box office at 440-775-8169.

If an event is sold out, an at-the-door waitlist for tickets will begin an hour before the start time.  Waitlist sales will be cash only, and you must be present to purchase the ticket if your name is called.

  • Henry Samra

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