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87 North Main Street, Oberlin, OH 44074

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In this lecture derived from his current research at the Oberlin College Archives and globally, Livio Sansone delves into the life and career of Eduardo Mondlane ’53, a professor of anthropology and founding President of the Mozambican Liberation Front from 1962 to 1969. Sansone explores Mondlane’s encounters between nationalism and cosmopolitanism through two lesser-known moments in his life: first, Mondlane’s years in Jonis, as Mozambicans called Johannesburg, South Africa, at the beginning of Mondlane’s exciting international career and his discovery of Pan-Africanism; and second, the closure of Mondlane’s life with the agitated and militant years in Dar es Salaam, the capital of Pan-Africanism. In both cities, Mondlane wove networks from the Swiss Mission in southern Africa, as well as Presbyterian and Methodist churches, which would play an important role in Mondlane’s work and thinking.

This event is presented with support from the departments of Anthropology, Art History, History, and the Politics John D Lewis Memorial Lectureship fund.

  • John Congdon

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