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119 Woodland Street, Oberlin, OH 44074

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The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry hosts guest speaker Alex Nichols '08, President and COO of enGene Holdings & Former CEO and Co-Founder of Mythic Therapeutics, Inc. His presentation will be on the topic of "From The Cocktail Napkin to the Clinic: Building Biotech Companies through Strong Science and Contrarian Thinking."

The seminar will be preceded by a light reception at 4:30pm in the David Love Lounge. 

Sponsored by the Luke E. Steiner Lecture Fund.



What comes first when building a biotech venture, technology or unmet need? What  does it take to define a problem worth solving and create a drug candidate for clinical trials? Focused on one entrepreneur's journey with two companies, the first developing an unorthodox approach to making safer and more effective antibody/drug conjugates (ADCs) and the other focused on non-viral gene therapies, this talk will share perspective on building science-driven biotechnology companies and taking product concepts from the back of the napkin into clinical trials.

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