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The Bonner Center is hosting a series of facilitated Zoom conversations each Friday with regional community partners focused on considering pressing national issues through a regional racial justice lens. This week's speaker will focus on environmental racism.

Kim Foreman is the executive director for Environmental Health Watch. Kim brings nearly 20 years of experience working on environmental justice issues in Cleveland. She has focused on environmental justice issues and adverse outcomes of environmental exposures, both indoors and outdoors, that disproportionately impact poor and minority communities.

During her 18 years with EHW, she has developed, implemented, and managed various local, direct service, grassroots projects, worked on national projects, spoken at local and national conventions, and has helped EHW obtain national attention for its work through outlets such as the New York Times and Al Jezeera English

Contact bonner.center@oberlin.edu to obtain the Zoom link.

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