Black Women in Medicine: After Oberlin - My Path to Bioethics
Friday, March 9, 2018 4:30pm to 5:30pm
About this Event
119 Woodland Street, Oberlin, OH 44074
Meet our guest speaker Naomi Onsongo. She is an Oberlin College graduate, Class of 2012, received a master’s in bioethics at Columbia University.
She is now a clinical research manager at Mt. Sinai l Health System in New York city. Join us as she explores her path to bioethics and discusses the nuances of ethics in scientific research.
More about the presenter
Onsongo’s interest in health care began in Oberlin after volunteering to work in a retirement home as a creative arts therapy assistant. Working with patients suffering from dementia inspired her to explore the broad field. Her occupational roles in the field began in social science and benchwork research, and then focused on clinical research.
Working for WCM’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) as a regulatory associate sparked her interest in the ethical issues that arise from advances in medicine and biotechnology, leading her to a master’s degree in bioethics.
As an IRB regulatory associate, Osongo reviewed clinical trial proposals and participated in discussions of their ethicality. She also has experience working for a center that specializes in assisted reproductive technologies, which gave her the opportunity to examine bioethical issues ranging from embryo disposition, egg and sperm donation, embryonic stem cell research and their intersection with the law. This focus on reproduction built on Onsongo’s previous research of abortion in Kenya, and again highlighted the issues of autonomy and personhood.
Throughout her career in clinical trials, ONsongo has had practical bioethical experience in areas such as autonomy via informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, utilitarianism, conflicts of interest and the rights of research participants.
A firm believer in life-long learning,Naomi continuously seeks opportunities to grow professionally and also learns through service to the community by mentoring young women of color.
This event is the fourth of a series of events focused on the experiences of black women in the medical field. Black women account for only 2 percent of all MDs.
Join us as for a two-day event as we discuss the experiences and achievements of black women doctors and gain perspective on navigating the medical field.
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