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119 Woodland Street, Oberlin, OH 44074

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Campus members are invited to "A Conversation on the Policing in the United States," with Steve Dettlebach, Shakrya Diaz, and James L. Hardiman.

About the Panelists:

Steve Dettlebach,  U.S. attorney for the Norther District of Ohio, has won several high-profile hate-crime convictions in recent years. Selected for his position by President Barack Obama in 2009, Dettlebach served for 12 years as a federal prosecutor in the Justice Departments's Civil Rights Division, Criminal Section.

Shakyra Diaz, a policy manager for the ACLU of Ohio, works on public policy campaigns, legislative  advocacy, judicial/administrative reforms, and authentic coalition building initiatives. Her work has led to reforms in drug law policies, selective enforcement, youth and police relations, and more.

James L. Hardiman, a civil rights attorney in Cleveland, was legal director of the ACLU of Ohio for four years and served three terms as president of the NAACP Cleveland Chapter. Hardiman has decades of experience litigating civil rights and liberties issues, including school desegregation, police practices, and voting rights.